Discussion questions for Life Groups based on the Sunday sermon.
(Updated weekly)
March 2, 2025
*** This guide intentionally has more questions than your group could reasonably discuss in one meeting. Feel free to pick and choose questions that best encourage, challenge, and instruct your particular participants.
Read Psalm 81.
1. Rob stressed the importance of worship. How do you prepare for corporate worship? Is coming to corporate worship something you long for throughout the week? Do you have certain routines you like to follow to prepare your heart and mind for worship? Do you have times of private worship and what does that look like?
2. Is Sunday at church an overflow of your worship during the week? Or is it your only worship each week?
3. Read Psalm 51:15-17. What is the correlation between Praise and obedient sacrifice? What do you think David meant by a “broken and contrite heart”?
4. Do you trust that God is working out the details of your life?
5. There is a start difference between “head knowledge” and active obedience (see James 1:22). How do we take what we know and put it into action? Do you struggle with things you know but have trouble doing?
6. Read Psalm 81:3. When do you worship God? Do you look for excuses to worship God? Do you plan special days that are just for celebrating God? How often should we celebrate God?
7. In John 14:15 Jesus said, “if you love me, you will keep my commandments”. How does obedience demonstrate our love for Christ? And, how is love tied to whole-hearted worship?
8. God is our deliverer. He has proven that time and time again. How has he delivered you?
9. Read Titus 3:1-8. Titus calls us to do good works. From this passage who are we to obey? How does good works relate to God’s “goodness and loving kindness” and His mercy He displayed through the redemptive work of Christ? How did Christ demonstrate His obedience to the Father? And, how does our “hope of future glory” result in praise, good works and obedience?
10. Read Psalm 81:8. Is this still applicable today?
11. Joshua 1:7-8 tells us to be “careful to do all that I have commanded you” and to not let “this Book of the Law depart from your mouth…meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Does this passage apply only to Old Testament? What N.T. passages reinforce this command? How does meditation on the Word assist us in obedience? What does “prosperous” and “success” mean? (see I Tim. 6:6)
12. Read Psalm 81:11-12. Is that scary? Are you submitting to God? Would you rather He gave you up to your stubborn heart?
13. Read Psalm 81:14-16. This is heavy language, both in judgement and blessing. Is that comforting? Compare the words used on the two sides of the coin. What do you see?